The Fukien Tea Bonsai


Several plants used for bonsai are easily recognized because of popularity with one of these being the Fukien Tea Bonsai.  This plant comes from the southeast portion of China, which is actually a type of evergreen tree.  The name comes from the province in which the tree was discovered, Fujian.  One of the benefits of using this particular plant for bonsai growing is that the leaves are small.  Because of this, they are easy to manage.


In addition, the leaves seen on the Fukien Tea Bonsai are shiny and dark green.  They form a dense canopy, which gives the bonsai a compact appearance.  Another fascination with this type of bonsai plant is that when young, the bark is light brown.  However, as the plant matures it begins to crack.  The result is a unique appearance that adds to the overall appeal of the bonsai, making this a favorite choice.

Then, the Fukien Tea Bonsai will produce miniature flowers during the early part of summer.  The flowers may be small but they offer beautiful color and shape.  Within a short period, the blooming flowers begin to transform into tiny black berries, giving the plant an entirely different look.  The flowers and berries alone are enough to make the Fukien Tea Bonsai one of the more popular choices people make.

One important note to consider when growing a Fukien Tea Bonsai is that unlike other plants used for this type of growing, this evergreen is not tolerant in some regions due to climate.  Because of this, it is advised that this type of plant for bonsai growing be raised indoors where temperatures can be controlled throughout the year.  It is also important to know that sometimes finding this plant can be difficult.  In addition, the Fukien Tea Bonsai is definitely challenging so it is best for people with experience with bonsai growing.

To ensure the Fukien Tea Bonsai grows strong and healthy, the plant needs direct sunlight from indoors, but along with this, the plant would do best if set outside for one to two hours a day for fresh air and sunlight.  Then, the plant will do best when kept in temperatures that range from 59 to 77 degrees.  Although some people will grow this evergreen outside, it should be kept in a container so when temperatures become too cool or hot the plant can be moved inside.

Because the Fukien Tea Bonsai is resistant to disease and insects, it is a trouble-free choice.  Now, one issue that could develop with this evergreen is the leaves turning yellow.  If this were to happen, it would be a sign that the soil was being kept too wet.  Simply allow the soil to dry out and then when watering, make sure the soil becomes only moist, not wet but without allowing the soil to dry out again between watering.  Finally, every two years the Fukien Tea Bonsai should be repotted.  For this, the soil should be formulated specifically for the evergreen species and bonsai growing.The Fukien Tea Bonsai also needs proper nutrition.  Starting in the spring and going to the early part of fall, this evergreen would need proper food biweekly.  However, when winter rolls around food would only be offered once a month.  The evergreen also needs to be pruned to create the desired bonsai shape.  Most experts strongly suggest that to prune the Fukien Tea Bonsai wiring techniques are to be avoided, choosing instead to handle all the pruning needs by hand.