The Cherry Bonsai

If you have ever thought how much fun it might be to grow bonsai, as a beginner you can’t make a better choice than a cherry bonsai. There are many types of cherry trees which can be grown as bonsai.

Be sure to ask about the correct temperatures for your cherry bonsai when you purchase it. If you live in a cold winter climate, most bonsai trees will need to be brought in for the winter. For example, the brush cherry bonsai needs winter temperatures which are above 50 degrees.

The best way to grow a bonsai tree is to allow it to be outside whenever it can and inside whenever it needs to be. The cherry bonsai is popular because it is beautiful when it flowers and most types have edible fruit.

You need to grow the cherry bonsai where it can get direct sunlight for part of the day and be at least semi-shaded the rest of the day. This plant needs to be watered frequently throughout the summer, especially if you live where it will receive very warm temperatures. Never let the soil get dried out. Keep it evenly moist and not too wet. It is possible for a cherry bonsai to rot in overly wet conditions. Do not water it too much in its winter dormancy stage. Also, do not ever allow the flowers to get wet.

In order to grow and remain healthy, your cherry bonsai will need to be fertilized. Liquid fertilizers work best, and while you can use an ordinary plant fertilizer, it sometimes pays to get special bonsai fertilizer. If you get a standard synthetic fertilizer such as 10-10-10, you should dilute it by fifty percent and add some extra potassium in August as the summer nears its end.

The thing most beginners worry about with bonsai is shaping or training the tree. There is no need to be anxious about it. It is similar to the fear some gardeners have the first time they prune their roses. There are many different bonsai styles and all except the broom style will work fine with a cherry bonsai. It doesn’t matter whether your tree is full size or miniature. You can work with the tree after repotting it.Bonsai trees need to be repotted at least once every other year. Spring is the best time. You can purchase special soil for growing bonsai. If you bought your plant originally from a nursery or gardening store, it most likely started out with this special soil. Some people hate to repot bonsai because they are afraid of hurting the plant. You just need to be careful and gentle when you shake the old soil off of the root ball. When repotting a cherry bonsai, always use new soil–do not reuse any from its former pot. And, make sure to thoroughly water the plant in its new pot.

Nothing needs to be done in the summer growing season other than an occasional pruning of the tips. Removing the flowers after they are gone by will redirect the plant’s energy to new growth. Any wiring you might need to do (depending on bonsai style) should be done during the summer growth period and not in the winter.

Do as much research as you can on bonsai before trying to grow your first tree. There are many websites that can give you needed information. If you think you need more help with your cherry bonsai, talk to some people locally who are bonsai lovers. There are often local clubs you can join to meet other hobbyists. Most people are very happy to help out beginners.

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